Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Greenhouse Snow and Ice Removal

Over the past two days the weather here in Kentucky has been crazy. We received 6 inches of snow, then a half inch of ice and then 5 more inches of snow!

We don't usually get so much snow and ice so we wanted to make sure the greenhouse was okay. Ever since we saw on Throwback At Trapper Creek how snow can collapse a greenhouse structure, we have wondered how our new greenhouse would hold up. There is nothing growing in it yet, and the vents (windows) are still opened to allow the wind to flow through. Unfortunately that means there is no heat being generated to help melt the snow cover.

After the first 6 inches of snow, we could already see that the plastic was beginning to buckle under the weight.

So we decided to knock the snow off and the whole family pitched in.

Overnight the snow turned to freezing rain and ice. In the morning, the hoop house was covered in a half inch sheet of ice.

Again I had to use the broom to clean off the plastic. Removing the ice was easier because in broke into big pieces and slid right off.

Just about the time I finished with the ice, the snow picked up again at the rate of 2 inches per hour! When it finally stopped we visited the greenhouse a third time. By now the pile of snow and ice was getting pretty large. Luckily I had plenty of help clearing it away...

... as well as removing the rest of the ice.

After the work was done, there was plenty of time for fun!

Is it Spring yet?



Ok this weather can stop any time now.... I WANT SPRING...
Glad you got the snow and ice off the greenhouse.

Chiot's Run

We got the same storm today.


Yep, that storm made its way here, though not with the force you seem to have gotten. While winter landscapes have their place, spring can't come soon enough! You are a good one to brave the elements and care for the greenhouse....

Daphne Gould

I'm looking forward to spring too. I'm tired of getting a foot of snow every week. Usually we don't get this much. Usually we get snow; it melts; then it snows again. I suppose the massive snow cover is good for my plants, but I think I've shoveled enough.


bbbrrrr! This winter has been crazy hasn't it? Thank goodness you have coats, gloves, sleds, and hills to enjoy the snow:) bbbbbrrrrr

(I honestly, would have never thought of this-great post)


You must have some pretty tough plastic to stand up to that much ice. I too have been asking if it is spring yet!

Can't wait to see your hoop house in operation.


Hoping ya'll didn't have the power outages from the ice storms.


Snow on a greenhouse is a funny thing. I had 4 inches of white white snow on mine this week but it was so dark and gloomy inside. Had to knock it off to let the light back in. Worst (best) snow in London for 18 years.


Whew, glad your wonderful greenhouse held up to the snow!

Great work!


All that snow and we here in Adelaide, South Australia are just finishing a 15 day heatwave.....over 5 of those days were over 42 degrees.


The only thing missing from those pictures would be some healthy green plants inside the greenhouse to juxtapose against the cold white snow.

I've been watching the progress and you've really built a great greenhouse there. Can't wait to see it in action!

Snow Removal Kansas City

Great Post!Actually,Our snow and ice management team has decades of experience in managing Kansas City's unique weather patterns and storm systems. We work 24/7 to remove Snow Removal Kansas City ice and snow from your property and we do not stop until the work is done.

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