2008 vegetable garden line-up!
Now that the regular season for Major League Baseball has officially begun, I guess it is time to introduce The 2008 GardenDesk Growers Baseball team!
Okay, I know a garden is not a baseball team, but just like in spring training, I have spent a lot of time figuring out which vegetable varieties will make the cut this year. In addition to which particular varieties I will plant, I had to decide which vegetables needed to be cut (I just don't have enough room on the field!). Last year my total area for the veg garden was 25'x40', all in raised beds. This year I am expanding it to 40'x48'but the outside 15' will be planted in old fashioned rows. I have painstakenly tried to fit everything in using graph paper but I still don't have enough space.
Sorry, I know you can't read the names listed on the graph paper. Just like last year, I have divided up the list into the following categories: Tomatoes, Cool Season, Main Season, Herbs, Decorations and Fruit. First I need to mention the veggies that I would like to grow but didn't make the cut.
This year's honorable mentions are: sweet potatoes, okra, leeks, beets and field pumpkins.
Now, the 2008 starting lineup
Introducing the GardenDesk Heirloom Tomatoes:
The GardenDesk Hybrid Tomatoes:
Introducing the GardenDesk Cool Season Players (many are already on the field!):
And now for your Main Season GardenDeskers:
Give it up for the GardenDesk Herbs:
Next up, the GardenDesk Decoration Dudes:
And last but not least, the fruit selections:
There will also be many annual flowers planted in the vegetable garden. This is my daughter's area and she has not given me her line-up card yet. I know there will be plenty of marigolds, cosmos, zinnias and morning glories.
And there you have it ... The comprehensive list of players for GardenDesk 2008! Several players are already on the field. Many players have begun warming up inside under grow lights. More will soon join them. Stay tuned for more updates on the pending season and players! Will they all actually get in the game? Will they hit a homerun, or will some strike out? Many questions will soon be answered.
What does your 2008 "player list" consist of? What vegetables will you be growing that I have left off my list? Are you as anxious to get started as I am?
Dum dum da dum da dum .... CHARGE!
Oh! Can I come live in your garden?
You're missing tarragon - the flavored vinegar is a classic french condiment. One little plant is enough for a year or two's supply.
And OMG! Where's your parsley? Parsley is KEY.
Listen to me go on at the master gardener...maybe it's because I garden for my stomach...but parsley...
My wife is the herb expert. She doesn't let me mess with the actual herb garden (just kidding). The herbs I listed are grown IN the vegetable garden. My wife informs me that we are indeed growing tarragon and parsley and a slew of others I neglected to mention. I'll post about that as the season unfolds.
Wow! I'm jealous of the variety and quantity that you are able to grow. We are newbies and live in an apartment so we are container gardening for now.
You are one serious veggie gardener! Do you sell your bounty, or is this all for your personal use?
Happy eating,
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