Happy Rose of Sharon for Green Thumb Sunday!

We have had a Rose of Sharon bush in the front yard for about 7 years or so but I've never noticed how great it is. It has been in bloom for about a month now and it doesnt seem to care about the lack of rain we've had.

It is on a hill and is growing near where the downspout lets out, so maybe it gets more water that the rest of my plants when it DOES rain. Whatever the reason - it is a happy plant. Perfect for Green Thumb Sunday!
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This looks very similar to the one I have in my garden....it seems to put up with any conditions and although I have to chop it back every few years it never fails to flower in abundance. Happy GTS
Well hasnt Sharon got a nice rose...a great splash of colour and a nice focal point.
What a magnificent rose of sharon. I love the pretty petal.
I like the idea of the garden desk actually in your garden and now this is your interactive garden desk.
Sara from farmingfriends
Rose of Sharon always comes along and blooms when we need it. And you are right about it's care, it will survive about anything.
Got your comment about the tomato cages. I am not sure if you can buy partial rolls, maybe you could find someone to share a roll with. I think this is how I will grow my tomatoes from now on, and if it works out for potatoes, those too.
I have one like your plus a couple other colors. I love them! Great pictures!
The crimson centers are so pretty with the fresh white petals.
So that's what a Rose of Sharon is! I see these everywhere around here but didn't know what they were...thanks!!
Yours is so beautiful...I'm glad it's thriving :)
Oh, I just love, no adore, this one! Love the colors. I've never heard of or seen it before, so thanks for showing it :-)
I wonder if we have it here in Sweden at all...
We love Rose of Sharon. We only have one right now but we have a couple in a special place waiting for us to take them. Great pictures.
What a pretty rose. Is this sometimes called wild rose? Too bad about the devastation in your garden. Luckily I only have to deal with a few bugs--we are in an area where the Javalina aren't. Many gardens in Arizona are ravaged by roving Javalina.
Happy late GTS.
Beautiful rose of sharon!
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